General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions:

Tickets are not transferable to another day.

Children attending the ILT Kidzone Festival must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver over 14 years old.

All children remain the responsibility of their parent or caregiver at all times during their attendance at the festival.

Tickets are non-refundable except in the event that the festival is cancelled. Once tickets have been purchased, this order cannot be cancelled.

The organisers are not obliged to replace lost or stolen tickets.

The organisers reserve the right with reasonable cause, to refuse admission or remove any person from the festival.

No gang insignias permitted.

The organisers take no responsibility for unaccompanied children and reserve the right to refuse admission to unaccompanied children.

The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the festival programme at any time.

While within the Festival area, patrons must not:

Distribute any printed material without prior consent

Use indecent language or behave in an indecent manner

Smoke, vape, use e-cigarettes or consume alcohol within the festival area

I understand that by entering the ILT Kidzone Festival, I may be filmed, photographed or taped and this may be used in future promotional materials ILT Kidzone produces. It is deemed that a person by entering the festival consents to the ILT Kidzone Festival or third parties appointed by the festival for photographing, filming or taping. The ILT Kidzone Festival or third parties appointed by the Festival can broadcast, publish, licence and use any photographs, film, recordings or images without compensation. The ILT Kidzone Festival, third parties and anyone acquiring from them a right to use the material are not liable to the subject for its use in any way.

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